Scotland's 19th Hole
Explore our personal recommendations on where to eat, drink and visit.
Brigadoon Hotel
Scotland's 19th Hole is a new web application that has been developed in conjunction with the Scottish Inbound Golf Tour Operators' Association with funding support from VisitScotland.
The concept is pretty simple; recommendations carry more weight when they are delivered personally. It's always been the case and we are all more likely to follow a recommendation up when it comes from someone you trust.
What better way to deliver added value then to give each of the tour operators the ability to built their own "19th Hole" of recommendations! With a few clicks of buttons in their own secure content management area, the individual operators can select the bars, restaurants, attractions and stores that they personally wish to recommend in each of their clients' golf areas.
We say it's the positive power of curated information over the bulk aggregation that will be delivered by the big boys.
In short the guest has access in the app to see what their tour operator (or hotel or guest house) recommends they could do around each golf course they may be playing.
As Brigadoon is a mythical concept, we can also be a fantasy golf tour operator and recommend some businesses across Scotland in our very own version of Scotland's 19th Hole
Give it a test run now and then get in touch with us to find out how easy it is to add your own 19th Hole recommendations to your website.
Brigadoon Hotel
Brigadoon Hotel
Brigadoon Hotel
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