Brigadoon Hotel

Building your content and search


The more specific your content is the better it will be for not only the search engines but for your customers. This means you can link to the detailed pages (landing pages) direct from your email newsletters, blogs or social media. You are also much more likely to be linked to by completely unexpected sources such as related subject websites, travel blogs and even social media influencers! Small effort larger return.

9th February 2021

The Example of Long Tail Search Content

We have used this example in highlighting the longevity of good content and SEO for more than a decade and it was pure chance that we actually rediscovered the content. 

The Celtic Links Demo site was a site we set up in probably 2008 but we left live for a number of reasons - one of which was that it emphasised the value of writing content not just for now but for the future.

Roll on six or seven years and we were planning a fiftieth birthday celebration and decided to go to the Ayr Races and were looking for somewhere to have a champagne breakfast. So what did we do? We Googled it!

I searched as any customer would do for what they were seeking...

"Champagne Breakfast Ayr Races" 

To my astonishment (and considerable amusement) what pops up first was (and still is) the page we wrote for the test website so many years earlier! A piece of content that had taken all of thirty minutes to write and add title tags to, was still coming up first in Google searches more than a decade on and took you to this page offering mocked up packages to a mythical hotel near the racecourse.

Try it yourself!

The lesson is that creating relevant content for your property, services, local vents or attractions is never er wasted nor is it just for short term gain. The long term benefits will always be there (don't delete old pages - just amend them as legacy and repoint them to something newer!) and you may reap free traffic for years to come. Fifty pages a year? Wow you could be found for anything and of course the more niche the subject is the more likely you are to be found for it - remote Scottish beaches, dolphin spotting off the Brora coastline, Aurora borealis viewing from the north Scottish coast - and booked!

Plan B Briefings

Plan B produced a series of briefings some years ago giving bitesize chunks of support in digital delivery - areas such as content writing, increasing direct bookings or developing data collection for email strategies. We are rewriting them specifically for our client base but we've attached three of the older ones related to SEO and content planning - still pretty much relevant. There is also a link below to a very good VisitScotland landing page on all things digital.

If you want to find out more give us a call and we'll have a good look at your website for you!

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VisitScotland Tourism Digital Skills

Build Better Content

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Build Better Content

Optimise your page content

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Optimise your page content

Make use of search tags

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Make use of search tags

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All our page templates comply with the WCAG Priority 2 checkpoints as a minimum requirement. And we make every effort to ensure that all the content on our site meets this standard too. We are making every effort to ensure that we don't exclude any users. For example:

  • We try to use clear and simple language.
  • We use alternative text for all our images 
  • Were possible the HTML we produce conforms to the standard: XHTML 1.0 Strict
  • We have tested the colours we use in the design for contrast.

We try to publish all our text content as accessible HTML rather than in other formats such as PDF. Where we do publish PDFs or other formats our policy is to make them as accessible as we can.

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